In October of 2024 i got tired of the gregorian calendar and made a calendar beased on seasons. instead of months, this calendar has seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. This calendars format is Day, Season, Year. Winter, Spring, And Summer have 91 days, while Autumn has 92 (because the earth just HAD to revolve around the sun at an uneven number rate). On leap years, Spring also has a 92nd day.The new year is the first of Winter which falls on the 21st of December (which is the first day of Winter.) Each season has 7 weeks of 13 days. The 92nd day in Autumn (and in Spring on leap years) is shown in the same box as the 91st day. instead of sunday, monday, tuesday... etc, this calendar has german numbers + the german word for day. this would be eins-tag, zwei-tag, drei-tag, vier-tag, fünf-tag, sechs-tag, sieben-tag, acht-tag, neun-tag, zehn-tag, elf-tag, zwölf-tag, and dreizehn-tag. The current year for this calendar is 1913.
I will put the calendar here when I have time.
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1997 possomancer